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All cash amounts presented in text are in million with currency specification, all amounts are in PLN million, except where otherwise stated.

  for the year ended
 Note31 December 201631 December 2015
Continuing operations   
Operating costs10(8,069.3)(7,867.9)
Other operating income, net 8.830.7
Profit from operating activities 1,669.31,985.8
Gain/loss on investment activities, net11(69.8)8.6
Finance costs12(566.1)(664.6)
Share of the profit of joint venture accounted for using the equity method -2.6
Gross profit for the period 1,033.41,332.4
Income tax13(12.4)(169.0)
Net profit for the period 1,021.01,163.4
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Parent 1,041.31,163.4
Net loss attributable to non-controlling interest (20.3)-
Basic and diluted earnings per share (in PLN)151.601.82