Activities of Cyfrowy Polsat Group addressed to customers focus on two main areas: ensuring effective communication and offering products and services not only adequate to the needs of our customers, but which are also environmentally friendly.
In order to ensure effective communication we make available various channels of contact, including:
24-hour support by phone by the Customer Service Department for the users of Plus network and subscribers of Cyfrowy Polsat, operating 365 days a year;
- interactive support for people calling through IVR (Interactive Voice Response);
- handling communication sent via electronic means (e-mail);
- self-management of the account via Internet Customer Service Center;
- since 2015 Polkomtel provides a mobile application dedicated to customer account management which enables constant and free-of-charge access to up-to-date information on billing account;
- direct meeting with sales representatives in the network of our company stores across Poland.
We offer to our customers socially responsible products and services. All set-top boxes manufactured by Cyfrowy Polsat are equipped with parental control option which allows blocking of: programming depending on the viewer’s age or total blocking of access to selected channels. As a part of the Plus’ policy of safe use of services by children and the youth, the operator has introduced a Blockade service. This service prevents access to adult content located in the commercial WAP center in Plus network.

We would like to actively shape the environment in which we function every day. Therefore, the Company is a member or partner of many organizations which stimulate the development of the sector and the market and comprise specialists from the areas which are important for our activities.
We support the technological development and the processes of law regulation accompanying this development. In this area Cyfrowy Polsat cooperates with many organizations, including: Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (PIIT), Polish Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications (KIGEiT), Polish Chamber of Digital Broadcasting (PIRC), Polish Chamber of Electronic Communication (PIKE), Polish Information Processing Society (PTI), PKPP Lewiatan.
As a company listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Cyfrowy Polsat also cooperates with the regulator and other organizations connected with the capital market, such as Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW), Central Securities Depository of Poland (KDPW), Polish Association of Listed Companies (SEG), Association of Individual Investors (SII), Polish Association of Brokers and Investment Advisers (ZMiD). While following an active policy of investor relations, the company is in constant contact with other shareholders (Investment Fund Associations, Open Pension Funds) and with independent brokerage houses.
As a provider and pioneer of high-speed LTE mobile Internet on the Polish market and the owner of the IPLA online television, we try to be actively involved in the processes related to the development of the interactive market. We are part of the IAB Polska organization and support it in the process of market education and quality standards creation as well as activities promoting the Internet as an effective advertising media. We are also co-owners of Polskie Badania Internetu (Internet research company), a company established for the purpose of creating a standard of research of this medium in Poland.
Our channels are covered by the viewership telemetry monitoring conducted by Nielsen Audience Measurement, we are also a member of the International Association of Television and Radio Sales Houses EGTA.
Our employees respect standards of conduct set by ISACA and the Institute of Internal Auditors IIA Poland. We build in our organization the awareness of the role of auditors, share the knowledge about audit processes and standards facilitating their efficient and reliable performance.
In the applicable Polish law, the regulators of individual markets on which we conduct our activities are as follows: the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) and National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT).

All of our activities are performed in compliance with the applicable legal order on the territory of Poland. Therefore, in our Group we operate according to the following Acts:
Environmental Protection Law of 27 April 27 2001;
Act of 14 December 2012 on Waste;
Act of 29 July 2005 on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment;
Act of 13 June 2013 on Packaging and Packaging Waste Management;
Act of 24 April 2009 on Batteries and Accumulators.
Additionally, Cyfrowy Polsat holds the following certificates: ISO 9001:2009 and ISO 14001:2005 with respect to designing and manufacturing of electronic equipment and PN-N-18001:2004 with respect to designing and manufacturing of electronic equipment issued by the Polish Certification Center (a unit accredited by PCA), and Polkomtel holds: ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 issued for Polkomtel by DEKRA Certyfication Sp. z o.o.

Cyfrowy Polsat Group performs numerous ecological activities the goal of which is both ecological education of our employees and minimizing a negative impact of the conducted activities on the environment.
Collection of waste electrical and electronic equipment is one of the elements of environmental measures. For a few years already, Cyfrowy Polsat have been involved in a national campaign Dobre rady na odpady (Good advice on dealing with waste). Waste electronic equipment is collected on the company’s premises and then handed over to the a electrical and electronic equipment recovery organizations for recycling.
Each year the used electromagnetic equipment is collected at Plus’ locations and then handed over to the recovery organizations. We also run a phone buy-back program – customers may sell used phones in exchange for a coupon for a new phone, and offer in Plus or against cash sent by ta bank transfer.
The Group promotes and supports a philosophy of green office promoting among employees good habits supporting the environment. We collect waste paper and select waste, such as e.g. waste printing cartridges. In Cyfrowy Polsat the employees themselves developed 10 eco-rules which we try to follow every day.
Our network developed at the request of Polkomtel by Nokia Solutions and Networks and Ericsson serves well not only customers of Plus and Cyfrowy Polsat, but also the environment. Thanks to the application of the latest technological solutions, implementation of state-of-the-art radio modules or cooling systems, the comfort of network use improved and the electricity consumption as well as carbon emission decreased.

For a few years we have consistently implemented an electronic document circulation and encourage our customers to switch to this type of solutions. Eco-services were launched in concern of the environment and for customers’ convenience.
Users of services from the Group’s portfolio have a possibility of receiving invoice images or payment forms in electronic format. Documents received by electronic means give numerous advantages – payments under stricter control, convenience and comfort of settlements and environmental protection. The subscriber can immediately read the documents and save them on the computer’s hard drive and can access them at any time and place. Documents are delivered only to a private e-mail address indicated by the user, which guarantees the safety of their circulation.
For customers’ comfort and convenience, Polkomtel delivers electronic invoices: after logging into Plus online service or sending an invoice to the e-mail address indicated by the customer.

Our success is the effect of knowledge, skills and involvement of employees. They constitute a superior capital, therefore the human resources policy in the Group is focused on building attractive place for current and potential employees.
Our goal is to create the conditions which will enable employees to develop their potential and constantly improve themselves. We place a strong emphasis on the recruitment process. We look for people who are active, highly motivated and support our values. We select candidates with high potential who can easily accommodate themselves within a team. We use advanced tools, such as competence tests or Assessment Center, in the recruitment process.
Our unique proposition of the employment value is a combination of the potential resulting from the scale of the media and telecommunication group as well as technologically and system developed projects which we perform with a friendly atmosphere and focus on interpersonal relations and team spirit.

Summer Internship Program has been running at Cyfrowy Polsat for a few years, Polkomtel has a similar program Plus for the Best. Both programs are addressed to students which are at least in the third year of their studies who would like to check their knowledge in business realities, using state-of-the-art technologies and tools.
Both companies entered into cooperation with a few Warsaw universities. Trainees are acquired under the cooperation with Warsaw School of Economics or Vistula, and students of the Warsaw University of Technology regularly meet with Telecommunication Engineers to see the practical side of the telecommunication network management.
There is also a Digital Career program addressed to the students of 4th and 5th year of studies as well as graduates. Every intern receives a project for the execution of which he/she is fully responsible. Many former interns and trainees have permanently joined our teams.
Each year both companies participate in numerous Job Fairs organized, among others, at universities. This way we would like to present our Group and an offer of internships to the students. We also organize interactive workshops for students which are conducted by our specialists from various business areas.
Working in our Group provides our employees with a unique possibility of gaining experience in combining various services and technologies and learning best solutions, among others with respect to the organization of work and from individual business areas.
We focus on training – development activities which support achieving the set business goals in the Group, while at the same time supporting our employees in execution of their tasks.
We plan and prepare our trainings based on the actual business needs: we carry out mainly subject-matter trainings (technical, sales – product trainings, project management, product and service trainings, etc.), adjusted to specific needs in the organization, while taking into account the specific nature of work in individual areas. We also carry out introductory and skill improvement trainings, related directly to the work on a given position, e.g. customer service, sales techniques etc. In case of trainings of any type, apart from traditional training methods, we offer a possibility of participation in multimedia trainings executed on e-learning platforms.
We put a lot of emphasis on shaping the culture of providing feedback within the Organization and knowledge sharing by employees:
- we carry out OFIZ program (Online Feedback Forum). Program based on the so-called 360-degree survey, allows for sharing feedback by the employees in the Group;
- we organize Talent Development Program, under which we are looking for experts in a given field – ready to share their knowledge and experience with other employees,
- under the Manager Academy Program we support managers in execution of their tasks – we carry out individually profiled cycle of trainings for the managerial staff, preceded by the 360-degree feedback.
We offer numerous social benefits to the employees of the Cyfrowy Polsat Group, including:
- medical care,
- co-financing of sport packages – Multisport card,
- possibility of participation in industry conferences,
- group insurance including life insurance for the employee and his/her family,
- a possibility to join selected sport sections,
- promotions of television, telecommunication, Internet and banking services.
Last year, our sport sections continued their activities. Their goal is to promote health and integrate employees of our companies who have the same passion or hobby. Sport sections active within the Group include:
- Tennis Section,
- Shooting Section,
- Tourism Section,
- Athletics Section,
- Wind & Kitesurfing Section,
- Ski – snowboard Section,
- Diving Section,
- Football Section.

Employee events are a permanent feature of company events. Under internal events we try to provide our employees with various forms of integration– from leisurely events, educational meetings to high culture.
Thanks to individual involvement of employees and their need for development, as well as supporting others, we successfully execute various interesting initiatives. There are Family Picnics at Polkomtel, concerning new offers of products and services and co-organized with Plus Partners. Civil Defense Formation Teams are also active in the Company.
In 2016, employees of Cyfrowy Polsat, Plus, Telewizja Polsat and Polsat Media participate in a Family Picnic of Polsat Group, organized on the premises of the University of Physical Education in Warsaw.

Despite the fact that the activities of the employee volunteering are not covered by any formal internal procedures, our employees willingly engage in this type of initiatives.
Since 1998, Plus has supported Polish volleyball. During that period the company was, among others, the Main Sponsor of the Men’s and Women’s National Volleyball Team and a titular sponsor of volleyball PlusLiga and a sponsor of OrlenLiga.
Plus involvement in organization of tournaments for children and the youth, a program of building sport fields for the youth end equipping volleyball fields was very important, not only in terms of sport, but also socially.
Plus, together with the organizers of volleyball events, participated in creating attractiveness of volleyball shows and in development of proper fan culture.

Thanks to the cooperation with rescue services we managed to complete numerous project which largely contributed to the improvement of safety in the Polish mountains.
The Integrated Rescue System, handling emergency line in the mountains: 601 100 300, available from mobile and fixed-line phones, is the most important element of cooperation of Plus with Mountain Volunteer Rescue Service (GOPR) and the Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue (TOPR). One can use the emergency line across all the Polish mountains. GOPR Coordination Center is located in Rabka, whereas the TOPR Coordination Center is services by the rescuers from Zakopane.
Thanks to the initiative and involvement of Plus network, there is also an Integrated Rescue System at the seaside and the lakes available under 601 100 100. The system offers reliable, quick communication with all watering and sea-bathing places and units, and thanks to the application of a specialized software it enables the dispatcher to coordinate many activities at the same time. Before launching the said system the time of reaching a person who called for help e.g. at the unprotected bathing place ranged from 15 to 25 minutes. Today, thanks to the Integrated Rescue System built with Plus support, this tame is within 1.5 to 3 minutes. This progress which often decides about life or death is based on the reliability of information network and permanent cooperation with rescue services.

In Cyfrowy Polsat with collaborate on an on-going basis with SYGNAŁ Association, to which we belong and which integrates the television market in its fight against intellectual property theft.
In 2016, the Association focused in its activities on education addressed to the market players and public administration authorities. It also worked on developing good market practices related to the protection of the legal audio and video market and better legislation, by organizing numerous trainings for law enforcement agencies and participating, as an organizer or lecturer, in the conferences or through workshops for the members of the Association.
Currently Plus cooperates, among others, with the following organizations:
- Polsat Foundation
- TVN Foundation
- Ewa Błaszczyk Akogo Foundation
- Hospice Foundation
- Anna Dymna Mimo Wszystko Foundation
- Spring Association – Noble Box Project
- Caritas Polska
- Dzieło Pomocy Ad Gentes

Our basic activities under the corporate social responsibility include providing aid to ill children and their parents who are assisted by the Polsat Foundation.

eTornister (eSchool Bag) is an integration of all materials necessary in the education, thus including textbooks and books, but also dictionaries, encyclopedias and auxiliary materials. Pupil and teacher have access to the LTE Internet on their tablet with big, readable color screen. What is important, they have eTornister at their disposal 24h/7, during their entire learning time, both at school and after school. eTornister platform also enables the use of electronic tools supporting the school management process, such as electronic logbooks. Thanks to this the teacher has permanent access to a list of pupils, grades, comments and contact with parents.
Implementation of the program is usually preceded by social consultations.
eTornister Project is executed in collaboration with the following partners:
- LG Electronics Polska which delivers high-quality tablets supporting LTE,
- PZU which provides insurance for the devices,
- Mobile Box SA which is the provider of eTornister platform,
- Leading educational publishing houses which deliver educational content.
Self-governments and schools from across Poland may join the eTornister Project