- General information
- Principles applied in the preparation of financial statements
- Explanatory notes
- 9. Revenue
- 10. Operating costs
- 11. Gain/(loss) on investment activities, net
- 12. Finance costs
- 13. Income tax
- 14. EBITDA (unaudited)
- 15. Basic and diluted earnings per share
- 16. Property, plant and equipment
- 17. Goodwill
- 18. Brands
- 19. Goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful life
- 20. Customer relationships and other intangible assets
- 21. Programming assets
- 22. Deferred distribution fees
- 23. Other non-current assets
- 24. Inventories
- 25. Trade and other receivables
- 26. Other current assets
- 27. Cash and cash equivalents
- 28. Equity
- 29. Hedge valuation reserve
- 30. Loans and borrowings
- 31. Issued bonds
- 32. Group as a lessor and as a lessee
- 33. UMTS license liabilities
- 34. Other non-current liabilities and provisions
- 35. Trade and other payables
- 36. Deferred income
- Other notes
- 37. Acquisition of a subsidiary
- 38. Financial instruments
- 39. Capital management
- 40. Operating segments
- 41. Barter transactions
- 42. Transactions with related parties
- 43. Contingent liabilities
- 44. Remuneration of the Management Board
- 45. Remuneration of the Supervisory Board
- 46. Important agreements and events
- 47. Events subsequent to the reporting date
- 48. Other disclosures
- 49. Judgments, financial estimates and assumptions
- Financial results for the 3 months ended 31 December 2016 and 31 December 2015