Error message

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For 20 years now POLSAT Foundation has been continuing its efforts to improve the well-being of the youngest patients in Poland.

Jesteśmy dla dzieci (We are for the children) campaign is one of the most recognizable projects of Polsat Foundation. Its main goal is to collect funds for the treatment and rehabilitation of ill children who are taken care of by Polsat Foundation. For 13 years now Polsat TV and Polsat Media have been organizing an action called St. Nicholas’ Day Commercial Block thanks to which the money collected from the commercials aired each year on December 6 before Wydarzenia (TheNews) program is donated to the children who are under the care of Polsat Foundation.

 The 13th ST. NICHOLAS’ DAY CHARITY COMMERCIAL BLOCK, aired at 6.45 p.m. on December 6, 2016 was watched by 6 073 564 viewers on the average, which translated into audience shares of 31.6% in the 4+ age-group and 36.5% in the16-49 age-group. Thanks to such big audience, the amount of PLN 1,247,662.28 was collected, according to preliminary estimates.

In its day-to-day operations, the Foundation aids directly rehabilitation and medical treatment of children. During the 20 years it donated over PLN 100 million for treatment, medication and therapies for nearly 30 000 of children.

In 2016 the Foundation donated funds for:
 - operations, treatment and rehabilitation of 2412 children,
 - support of 9 medical centers where children are treated and rehabilitated.

The Foundation also provides indirect support by sponsoring repair works and modernization of medical facilities. It has so far provided over PLN 100 million for this purpose to 1201 medical centers and hospitals treating ill children all over Poland.

POLSAT Foundation is the only foundation in Poland providing such wide-scale financial support for medical treatment and rehabilitation.

The Foundation has decided that still in 2017 it will create friendly conditions for children and their moms in the Children’s Hospital in the Local Medical Center in Otwock (near Warsaw).